
4 Tips for a Majestic Monday

Hi Everyone 🙂

This month we have decided to do something new. This will be our 4 bullet monday. We will explain 4 of our favorite things for this month. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do, and we would love to hear your feedback.


Strech - Desiredface - European Facial Workout - California -

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose.

This traditional yoga pose works wonders for spine health and for those with a herniated disc. Sometimes referred to as a press up, it elongates your spine and keeps your discs alined. An absolute must for those who have lower back pain. Try it first thing in the morning and throughout the day as needed. It looks like it’s shown on the picture above.


Music - Desiredface - European Facial Workout - California -

Joao Gilberto, Self Titled Album.
This is a wonderful album that we have been jamming to. Joao is a world renowned musician from brazil, sometimes credited with inventing bossa nova style music. Give it a play if you want to float away to another place.

Food - Desiredface - European Facial Workout - California -

Spinach. Spinach Spinach Spinach. This is a truly wonderful and underused vegetable. Eat it plain, with a salad, sautee, blanch. However you like, this is the easiest way to get daily greens for many people. Not that you need a picture, but lets just bask in spinach and all of its glory.

A little insight on us

Erika Terhes B Owner, Founder and Master Trainer of European Facial Workout Certified Pilates Trainer - Desiredface - European Facial Workout - California -

I have been doing great at the studio, and we are keeping very busy. Every day things are getting better at the studio and I would like to thank each and every one of your for that. We are always seeking new clients, so if you have a friend that would like to try a free class, please send them our way! If not, well we hope you enjoyed our newsletter for this week.

As always, Thank all of you so much. Please feel free to send feedback as to whether or not you liked this newsletter style. And do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, concerns, or just to chat.